At Buckley, we believe that our differences are a source of collective strength, and strive to cultivate a community where equity and justice are at the forefront, and where every human being is valued and feels a true sense of belonging.
Our Diversity StatementOur diversity statement affirmed by The Buckley School Board of Trustees calls us to:
The Board of Trustees also promotes these initiatives through the work of its DEI committee. |
Valued & Empowered
At Buckley, equity and inclusion are foundational, shaping everything from curriculum design to event planning. Our dynamic social justice symposia, coffeehouses, guest speakers, and lunchtime club meetings ensure that every voice is valued and every individual feels empowered to participate fully in our community.
- 低年级文化俱乐部(K-1、2-3、4-5年级)
- 多元化俱乐部(6-8年级和9-12年级)
- 全年的文化集会
- Black History Month art shows
- Middle and Upper School Symposia
- 午餐期间就特色主题举行公开论坛
- 董事会DEI委员会
- 教师多样性委员会(K-12的教师成员)
- 家长教育圆桌讨论(每年与家长协会一起举行两次)。
- 亲和团体
Past symposia have included speakers about topics such as women leaders of color, LGBTQ+ art and expression, antisemitism, Black hair, microfinance, long COVID, mental health, and women in Iran. Any student can submit a symposium topic for approval and then acquire the speakers, create a poster, and moderate.
Every ninth grade student at Buckley takes this signature course, which builds awareness, leadership skills, and identity development. Students explore big themes such as power, systems of oppression, gentrification, and how dominant culture plays out in the media and creation of self-image.
Family Networks
Buckley's family networks bring together family members and students with common identities to share experiences and form connections. Led by parents and guardians, these networks receive support from the Office of DEI and the Parents' Association.
Our Family Groups Include:- 亚太裔家庭网络(为认定为亚洲或太平洋岛民的家庭)。
- 神经多样性和学习差异联盟(面向神经多样性学生的家庭)
- Armenian American Family Network (for families who identify as Armenian or Armenian American)
- 黑人传统家庭网络(针对认定为黑人或非裔美国人的家庭)
- 犹太家庭网络(面向认同犹太教的家庭)
- LAMBDA家庭网络(为认定为LGBTQIA+的家庭服务)。
- Latino(a)/Hispanic Family Network(为认定为Latino/a或Hispanic的家庭服务)
- 中东/北非(MENA)家庭网络(为认同为中东或北非的家庭提供)。
- 穆斯林家庭网络(针对认定为穆斯林的家庭)
- 单亲和离异家庭网络
- 南亚家庭网络(面向自称为南亚人的家庭)
- 亚太裔家庭网络(为认定为亚洲或太平洋岛民的家庭)。
- 神经多样性和学习差异联盟(面向神经多样性学生的家庭)
- Armenian American Family Network (for families who identify as Armenian or Armenian American)
- 黑人传统家庭网络(针对认定为黑人或非裔美国人的家庭)
- 犹太家庭网络(面向认同犹太教的家庭)
- LAMBDA家庭网络(为认定为LGBTQIA+的家庭服务)。
- Latino(a)/Hispanic Family Network(为认定为Latino/a或Hispanic的家庭服务)
- 中东/北非(MENA)家庭网络(为认同为中东或北非的家庭提供)。
- 穆斯林家庭网络(针对认定为穆斯林的家庭)
- 单亲和离异家庭网络
- 南亚家庭网络(面向自称为南亚人的家庭)
Buckley has several student affinity groups led by students and teachers. These groups support student-led activities and respect the experiences, and efforts that students want to share, whether on or off campus.
- AAPI Student Association (for students in grades 6-12 who identify as Asian or Pacific Islander)
- 黑人学生会(针对 6-12 年级的黑人或非裔美国学生)
- 犹太学生会(针对 9-12 年级的犹太学生)
- Latinos Unidos(针对9-12年级的西班牙裔或拉美裔学生)
- Middle Eastern/North African Affinity Group (for students in grades 8-12 who identify as Middle Eastern or North African)
- 多种族亲和小组(针对 9-12 年级被认定为多种族的学生)
- Muslim Student Union (for students in grades 9-12 who identify as Muslim
- Rainbow Affinity Group (for students in grades 6-12 who identify as LGBTQIA+)
身份和自我发现对于学生了解自己和彼此至关重要。这项工作包含了身份发展框架,包括能力、年龄、种族、家庭结构、性别、种族、宗教和社会经济地位。在低年级,这种探索存在于每周集会上的 "分享我们的故事 "等项目中。