



  • Alix Merkley '75

    Alix Merkley '75是我们的创始人Isabelle Buckley的五个孙子之一;她的母亲也是Isabelle Buckley的四个孩子之一。阿里克斯在小学期间就读于斯坦斯伯里校区的巴克利,毕业于加州多米尼加大学。作为一名前学校教师,阿里克斯目前居住在纳帕,她在那里担任室内设计师,并与她的丈夫一起拥有Shackford厨房商店。她于2016年加入董事会。
  • 安妮-玛丽-巴尔扎诺

    Anne-Marie Balzano, EdD is Mission and Data's Senior Governance Strategist. In her role, she designs learning opportunities for heads of school and boards and leads Mission and Data's Strategic Planning practice and Governance Support services. A former teacher, head of school, associate professor, and most recently, Director of Leadership and Governance at the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), Anne-Marie is a trusted advisor to schools across the country, facilitating board retreats and educating boards of trustees on effective governance practices and trends, supporting leadership sustainability for heads of school, and building a positive board culture. She joined the Buckley board in 2020 and chairs the Committee on Trustees.
  • Ben Vega

    Ben Vega 是 Meruelo 集团的总法律顾问,该集团是一家私营公司,业务涉及职业体育、媒体、博彩、银行、建筑、食品服务和房地产。Ben 1995 年毕业于哈佛学院,1999 年毕业于哈佛法学院。他和妻子贝琳达是一名初中生的父母。Ben 于 2019 年加入巴克利董事会。
  • Brian Nussbaum

  • Chip Sellers, Treasurer

    Chip Sellers是LaSalle Mortgage Real Estate Investors, Inc.的执行副总裁,其前身是Latitude Management Real Estate Investors。他曾在好莱坞校舍担任受托人,并担任了几年的主席。他毕业于卡尔顿学院,获得经济学学士学位,并在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得金融MBA学位。奇普和他的丈夫布雷特有两个巴克利学生,分别在高中部和初中部。他于2017年加入董事会,今年成为主席。
  • David Sadkin, Chair

    David Sadkin是Bel Air Investment Advisors LLC的总裁,他于2006年加入该公司。他负责为个人、家庭、捐赠基金和基金会提供咨询,主持公司的管理委员会,并且是投资委员会的投票成员。他是雪松-西奈理事会的成员,并担任青年理事会的联合主席。他也是好莱坞圣殿以色列信托委员会的成员,并担任助理司库和财务、人事和捐赠委员会的成员。他参加了洛杉矶犹太联合会的盖勒领导力项目,也是 "无恐怖的明天 "的董事会成员,这是一个位于华盛顿特区的非营利组织,负责研究和建议解决全世界极端主义的实际问题。大卫和他的妻子莉兹是两名巴克利初中和高中学生的父母。大卫于2019年加入董事会。他是财务主管,并主持预算和财务委员会的工作。
  • 弗兰克-荣格

    Frank Jung is the Founder and CEO of FMC (Franchise Media Collective) a highly curated, tech enabled, professional network and marketplace that features elite executives, consultants, advisors, and founders in their fields of expertise. The platform will offer cultural insights and host engaging/inspiring events (CULTURAL SALONS), backed by an infrastructure and data analytics capabilities to navigate and flourish amidst the fast-evolving Creator Economy and Entertainment Landscape. FMC is "Where Culture Creates Commerce.”
    Jung dedicated two decades to Creative Artists Agency (CAA), where he not only represented a diverse array of influential talent and media firms, but also co-founded the Digital Media Department, which includes divisions for Talent Representation, Corporate Advisory, and Strategic Partnerships. A graduate of the University of Washington and a trustee at Hollywood Radio and TV Society (HRTS) and the Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment (CAPE), Frank is the father of Buckley Lower School students Preston and Viviana.
  • 乔治-埃利斯

    乔治-埃利斯(George Ellis)是 Kenvue 北美战略团队的项目管理总监,Kenvue 前身是强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)的消费者保健部门,负责管理创可贴(Band-Aid)、露得清(Neutrogena)、泰诺(Tylenol)等品牌。作为一名拥有超过 16 年经验的技术专家,George 的职业生涯始于高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)的金融部门,担任控制员技术办公室的高级助理,之后转入强生公司(Johnson & Johnson),担任 IT 总监,帮助公司创新皮肤健康技术战略。乔治毕业于锡拉丘兹大学(Syracuse University),是三个巴克利学生亚历山大(Alexander)、卡梅伦(Cameron)和塞巴斯蒂安(Sebastian)的父亲。
  • 杰基-戈德堡'91

    Jackie Goldberg '91是亚马逊Alexa的设计总监。她致力于通过设计与技术的合作来定义卓越的客户体验和发展优秀的团队。她是库珀-休伊特史密森尼设计博物馆、艺术中心设计学院的积极倡导者,也是耶鲁大学的毕业生。杰姬是巴克利的校友参与委员会成员,并在2020年加入了董事会。
  • Jennifer Sheffield, Parliamentarian

    Jennifer Sheffield is an experienced commercial attorney and the Chief Executive Officer of HeyTutor Inc., an edtech company that partners with school districts across the country to serve students with a range of academic backgrounds and socioemotional skills. She is passionate about education and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives having previously served on the Board of Directors for The Sherman Oaks Nursery School and as President and a Board Member for the Latina/o Bar Association of Washington. Jennifer and her husband Ted are parents to two children in the Buckley Lower School. A dedicated volunteer, Jennifer has held various positions in the Parents’ Association and serves on the Admission Welcoming Committee and Buckley Fund Volunteer Team. 
  • 乔斯-黑斯廷斯

  • José-Manuel de Castro, Vice President

    José-Manuel de Castro is an experienced employment and business litigator, and the Managing Shareholder of De Castro Law Group, P.C.  He is a graduate of New York University School of Law and has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan. Before joining The Buckley School Board of Trustees, he served for a number of years as a Trustee and the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Hollywood Schoolhouse. José-Manuel and his wife Gina are parents to a Buckley graduate from the class of 2024.
  • Karen Richardson '95

    Karen Richardson '95是美国总统奥巴马政府的前官员,曾在白宫担任顾问,在美国国务院公共事务局担任副助理秘书,在公共参与和政府间事务办公室担任副主任,并担任高级顾问Valerie Jarrett的国际问题顾问。凯伦拥有霍华德大学的学士学位,霍华德大学法学院的法学博士学位,以及伦敦经济学院的国际事务硕士学位。凯伦于1995年毕业于巴克利,并于2016年加入董事会。她是多样性、公平和包容委员会的主席。
  • 克尔斯滕-伯克曼-威尼科夫

    克尔斯滕在戏剧界活跃了 20 年,目前担任奥林匹斯戏剧公司(Olympus Theatricals)的制片人,该公司总部位于纽约,主要收购、开发和制作商业戏剧项目。此前,她曾在 East of Doheny、国家音乐剧联盟(NAMT)、阿拉卡集团和云雀戏剧发展中心担任过各种职务。克尔斯滕毕业于西北大学(文学学士)和纽约大学(文学硕士),曾担任中学历史教师,目前在新戏剧家剧作家中心和犹太圣殿公理会董事会任职。她是巴克利低年级学生泰莎(Tessa)和塔利(Tali)的家长。
  • 马克-诺霍雷

    Mark leads the family office that serves an ultra-high-net-worth family. He is also a Public Works Commissioner for the City of Beverly Hills. Until May 2022, he was a tax partner in the Los Angeles office of Deloitte Tax LLP and a founding member of Deloitte’s global transfer pricing practice. 
    He has over forty years of public accounting and private industry experience, primarily in the international tax and transfer pricing areas. He was the transfer pricing advisor to three of the world’s largest multinationals, and for over thirty years conducted a significant number of studies in a variety of industries (e.g., media and entertainment, gaming, software, retail apparel, hi-tech, e-commerce, and nonprofit). From 2002 until 2022, he was the executive producer and the host of Deloitte’s Transfer Pricing Dbriefs, a monthly Internet program that attracted close to 2,500 viewers every month. Mark served as a non-trustee member of the board’s Audit Committee for three years before being named a trustee in 2017. 
    He graduated from the University of Southern California with a BS in business administration and a masters in tax. Mark and his wife Farah are parents to alumni from the classes of 2011 and 2016 who were lifers at the Buckley School. 
  • Peggy Procter

    佩吉-普罗克特是一位终身教育工作者,目前担任卡尔弗市Echo Horizon学校的校长,这是一所位于卡尔弗市的学前教育学校。佩吉拥有达特茅斯学院的政府和西班牙语学士学位,以及米德尔伯里学院的西班牙语言和文化硕士学位。她热衷于多元文化的全球教育;多样性、公平和包容;创新的、以学生为中心的课程和教学法;以及教师发展。佩吉于2020年加入董事会。
  • 沙里-罗森塔尔,副总统

    莎莉-罗森塔尔是曼宁-卡斯律师事务所洛杉矶分所的合伙人,她领导该所的产品/责任和房东/租户/居住性团队。她在雪城大学读完本科后,获得了西南大学法学院的法学博士学位。Shari在卡尔弗城的Willows学校的董事会服务了10年,包括担任董事会的联合主席一职。她和她的妻子马琳-金是巴克利高中学生的父母。 Shari于2019年加入董事会。
  • Vincent Travaglione, Secretary

    Vincent Travaglione is an educational administrator and consultant with more than two and a half decades of experience. He is the founder of and senior consultant at Agile Enrollment Solutions and joined the Board of Trustees during the 2021-2022 school year. Prior to his time with Buckley, Vincent has served as a Consultant, Director of Admission and Director of Enrollment Operations and Data Management at La Jolla Country Day School (San Diego), UWC ISAK Japan, The Elisabeth Morrow School (New Jersey), Whittle School & Studios in Washington D.C., and a variety of independent schools throughout Los Angeles. He has also served as a board member at KIPP: Adelante (a public charter middle school) and the San Diego Tennis Federation, as well as a reader and/or selection committee member for the Gates, Caroline Bradley and Point Foundation’s educational grant programs. Vincent deeply believes in educational environments which take seriously their role in contributing to a better world and cites this as a key reason he has joined The Buckley School Board of Trustees.


作为董事会,我们以 "信任 "的方式持有学校,以学校的使命宣言和战略目标作为董事会决策的指针。校长是我们唯一的雇员,指导学校的日常运作、行政管理和员工。作为董事会,我们专注于学校的未来,目标是使学校继续成为一个有活力的、培养人的学习社区,财务健康,并与我们的学生、他们的孩子以及他们孩子的孩子相关。我们通过履行四项职责来实现这一目标:确定学校的战略方向;确保遵守适用的法律和法规;为学校的财务稳定和未来负责;以及选择、支持和评估校长。




Mike Ahmar
Andrea Alberini
Valeria Balfour
George Bender
Valerie Benzimra
Ellen Buckley (deceased)
Paulette Cohen
Philip de Toledo
Anita Dymant
John Emerson
Tracy Esse
Robyn Field
Leslie Goetzman
Patricia Goldberg
Denise Gutches
James P. Higgin.Higgins
Lela Hung
Martin Irani
William G. Isaac, Sr.(deceased)
John Lawrence
Maurice Marciano
James L. Owens (deceased)
Frank Price
Carol Ramsey
Fredric N. Richman Bruce RosenblumRichman
Bruce Rosenblum
Vernon Scott III (已故)
Terry Semel
Dale Snodgrass
Eric Stern
Arthur Swerdloff
Richard O. Thies (已故)
Janet L. Wagner (已故)
Ronald Wanglin '71
Jane White (已故)
Robert Wilson